Goodness and Mercy

What a beautiful day it was, May 1, 2011: The beatification of Blessed John Paul II; Divine Mercy Sunday.  The Psalms expressed this theme so many ages ago: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” Psalm 23:6. This promise is to all of us who choose to say ‘yes’ to our God. The Holy Spirit becomes powerful in us.  Our hearts are filled with the freedom of faith and trust. Fears and worries flow away in the precious blood of Jesus, our savior. He has now become not only our savior but our shepherd-the one who finds us when we wander off; the one who leads us to safe pastures and watches over us night and day. Beyond all this, He shows us the Father’s intended path for our individual lives and walks along with us. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives!

Holy Spirit Impression-from Helen

Thankfully, gratefully and with a heart open to my love, come to my altar ready to receive and grow. Place your fondest hopes and dreams there with expectant faith. All that is good and right for you and the others in your life will blossom, grow and come to fruition. A farmer tilling his fields knows they will  be subject to insects, mauraders, storms, droughts, etc. but his patience and hard work will be rewarded. So it is with you. Life’s cares and unexpected upsets will beset you, but keep those dreams alive. Within my will you will conquer and live the abundant life.

Prayer: Lord, bless me with your mercy and goodness. Be with me and help me to walk always in the Father’s will.  Amen.

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Following Jesus’ Way

All of us living on this earth today have been given a choice between living a devout life (life in faith, honoring God) or a worldy life (life on our own, ignoring God). Baptized into Jesus death and resurrection, we are invited to place our lives entirely in his hands.  Then he can lead us on an extraordinary journey, a life filled with goodness and joy with supernatural assistance from on high. we are able to embrace the full meaning and purpose for which we individually were created, cooperating with God’s plan for the whole world.  When we place our heart, our soul, our thoughts and actions in the hands of our Savior, he transforms us and guides us in the way of peace.

  • Holy Spirit Impression

Open your heart to me.  “Status quo” is not for my children.  It is “status grow” I desire. No plant produces fruit if it stays a seed shutting out the water, the sunlight, and the food it needs. Open up, crack your shell, and send forth the tender sprout that trusts it will be provided for,  Risk and reach out, my children, try me and know I am your God, with you every step of the way.

  • Prayer: We give you thanks, O Lord, and we say “yes.”


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Why the name “Our FIAT”

Mary listened to the message from an angel.  She said “yes.” Jesus our savior was thus born into our world, through the power of the Holy Spirit overshadowning Mary.  With Mary’s intercession, we, the baptized, listen to the messages of the Holy Spirit to  us.  We say “yes.” And the fragrance of Jesus is born in us, going into our world today.


“Mary is the queen of my heart.  She bore me and brought me to maturity and gave me unreservedly to my people, to bring to new life by the Holy Spirit. Mary is the pure virgin accepting my Father’s will with humble devotion. Ask her for help. Her riches to bestow are unlimited.”

  • Prayer: My dear Lord Jesus,  grace me to be receptive to your Word, as was your mother, Mary. I want to do your will.  Amen.


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