
W. Thomas Larkin, Bishop Emeritus †
Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida

This prayer program has proved highly beneficial to the prayer life of those who have experienced it. I am happy to endorse the program and encourage as many Christians as possible to deepen their own prayer and faith life by involvement in this program.

Father Bill McCarthy, MSA
Author & Director of My Father’s House Retreat Center
The greatest experience in Christian life is to have a personal relationship with Jesus and the heart of that relationship is the give and take communication that we know as prayer. This program is a practical way of talking and, especially, listening to God. I highly recommend this program.

Father Richard McAlear, OMI
Author, Conference Speaker & National Ministry of Hope and Healing
This program is a common sense approach that combines human insight and truth about the pains of the inner self with the gifts of the Spirit of God. The Gospel truths are brought to bear in simple, but profound ways, to open the person to healing grace.

Father Jules Brunet, Retired Pastor
Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church

If a Pastor’s role is to draw people to God to live the good news, this is a gift to his ministry, and a blessing to the faithful. Our Fiat offers to our life, the life of Jesus in a very practical manner, arranging, step by step, points of thought for reflection and prayer. Here in meditation is a scheduled, systematic presentation of spirituality. It allows us to set the meaning of the Gospel in our lives, The Word takes root.

Victoria Saccaro, Physician
Since starting this program, I have learned how to pray and listen to God speaking to me. I have experienced spiritual healing and great growth in my walk as a Christian woman. I would recommend this program to anyone who is on the “fast track” and wonders about their purpose in life. I have learned how to slow down, ask God before I speak or act, and listen to His plan for me. Through the Our Fiat I have experienced God’s love for me and the “peace that surpasses all understanding!”

Dan Smudde, Businessman
This program has had a profound impact on my life. It is through these exercises that I started examining my behaviors and attitudes so I could become closer to God.

Mark Marquardt, Attorney
As a lifelong Catholic, I can honestly say that the first time I really understood a prayer life as an experience where I can speak with God and God can interiorly speak with me, is when I went through this program. I think most of us as Catholics understand in our minds that prayer is important but we are either too distracted, lazy or self-absorbed to make prayer a part of our everyday life. We can’t make sense of our lives without a prayer life, which is merely entering into conversation with God about what he desires for our lives.

Ann Rached, Wife and Mother
If someone asked me for one suggestion on how to grow in love with Jesus, my answer would be “Our Fiat.” This program was and is the “school” for learning to have a relationship with Jesus.

Gilma Huie, Spanish Prayer Program Coordinator
Our Fiat has been a real schooling in how to put my spiritual life in order. I truly experienced the love our Father, the forgiveness of his Son, and the guidance through the power of the Holy Spirit. My spirit finds peace and I am able to live with more prudence and with more certainty that He is guiding my steps.


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